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Iceland 11 DIGI

Light weight design and savings on fuel combined with the robustness of the ICELAND 11 DIGI refrigeration unit.

Iceland 11 DIGI


  • Complete cooling combination system weighing only 525 kg (truck + drawbar).
  • High cooling capacity even when truck's engine is operating at idle speed.
  • ATP certified by TÜV (German Technical Inspection Association) and Wageningen NL (independent test institute).
  • Very quiet: Below PIEK level 60 dB(A) at 100% capacity
  • Low maintenance costs, no V-belts and no shaft seals, featuring scroll compressors with economizer (fully hermetic).
  • Flat, efficient evaporator of 120 mm / 160 mm high.
  • Maximum loading capacity.
  • High electrical heating capacity, even when defrosting.
  • Frame and skin made from stainless steel
  • Operated from the driver's cab (standard).


  • Adjustment of air humidity
  • Temperature and air humidity levels can be read directly in the cab where the driver can adjust them.
  • The unit can be fitted with the Safe/start function that allows the truck engine to be started and stopped automatically to let the refrigeration unit run (CAN bus).
  • 230 / 400 volt connections available to be used for different purposes
  • Various evaporators available
  • Option available for additional heating capacity (+3,000 watts)
  • Multi-temperature design available (ICELAND 18 TWINCOOL)

The ICELAND 11 DIGI refrigeration unit does not require its own diesel engine as it takes its power from the truck's engine. The ICELAND 11 DIGI unit is electrically driven by the ECODRIVE, supplying 400V electricity. This ECODRIVE is in turn hydraulically run from the truck's engine and constantly supplies 400 volt / 50 Hz regardless of the vehicle's engine speed. Full cooling capacity is always available. On average, 1,000 kg per truck & drawbar combination is saved with the ICELAND, which brings to an additional saving of 2 % on the truck's fuel consumption.

Data specifikationer

  • Specifications
      Cooling capacity at 0° C (ATP)10,500 watts
      Cooling capacity at -20° C (ATP)5,800 watts
      CompressorScroll compressor with economizer, electrically driven and fully hermetic.
      EvaporatorFlat evaporator (LowLine 3)
      (160 mm high, 120 mm when embedded in the roof)
      Airflow volume from evaporator3,400 m3/h
      Range14 meters
      Heating capacity7,000 watts
      ICELAND weight190 kg

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Robin Ekström 

Dir: 08 400 21 638



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